How to Quickly Improve Your Website Functionality With Elfsight Widgets

Many podcasters and bloggers struggle to get the most out of their website. And I don't just mean "good design" elements, often it is actual useful website functionality that is lacking. For podcasters, this is especially true for "ready made" websites that their podcast host provides. These are often super simplistic.

But was if there was an easy way to add critical features to almost any website, without having to learn Wordpress or Elementor or other page builders?

Website Functionality Table Of Contents

  1. How Elfsight Extends Website Functionality
  2. How We Extended Artsville’s Website Functionality
  3. Conclusion
  4. Links and Resources

How Elfsight Extends Website Functionality

Elfsight Apps is a SaaS-service that provides customizable & coding-free website widgets with rich integration capabilities.

Elfsight Apps can be embedded to any website platform: WordPress, Shopify, Weebly, Wix, Squarespace, Joomla!, Drupal, BigCommerce, OpenCart, Adobe Muse, Webflow, HTML, Magento, Blogger, ModX, Webnode, Lightspeed, BigCartel, and more or added to an HTML website.

With Elfsight widgets, you can easily add a lot of functions to your website, and here are just some examples of the tasks you can set up easily and without any coding skills:

✔️ Engage Website Visitors

Directly manage your social platforms directly on your site! Elfsight lets you place social media feeds on your site. This removes the hassle of visiting each individual social media site just to update, see and reply to people.

There are also non social media widgets that helps engage website visitors such as video and audio players that come with different themes and styles.

Finally there are chat widgets that connect chats you get from sites such as Facebook, Line and Viber directly to your site!

  • Instagram Feed
  • Facebook Feed
  • YouTube Gallery
  • Twitter Feed
  • Pinterest Feed

✔️ Support Customers

Elfsight comes with different widgets that makes visitor’s interaction to the site be as convenient as possible. Create a direct line of communication between you and your visitors to quickly help them if a problem is present or so that they may feel engaged with the site’s content.

  • Contact Form - Lets your visitors leave messages via contact form
  • Form Builder - Create user-friendly forms that invite more answers and make every channel of client communication effective
  • FAQ - Create a Frequently Asked Questions Page or Section for your visitors. Comes with multiple themes and layouts
  • All-in-One Chat - Creates a speedy and effortless tool for clients to address you through your website. This uses every popular messenger and links it directly to this one widget. Makes managing multiple chats from different platforms incredibly convenient.

✔️ Get Followers

Elfsight allows you to show content from various social platforms and manage it directly on your website. Elfsight includes various templates that can either enhance your existing page with a small widget or dedicate an entire page for your social feed.

The various social media widgets gives site visitors the option of becoming a follower or member of your social media community with just a button press.  It also comes with buttons for social shares so that sharing content from your site is seamless.

  • Instagram Feed
  • Facebook Feed
  • YouTube Gallery
  • Twitter Feed
  • Social Media Icons
  • Social Share Buttons
  • Pinterest Feed

✔️ Increase Leads, Sales & Membership Sign Ups

You will always want your prices, payment options, location and products to be conveniently displayed.  Elfsight has various widgets to display reviews from various sites such as google reviews, amazon and the apple app store to name a few. It also enhances your website E-commerce with its simple and easy to use widgets such as the Paypal button widget, pricing table and popup widgets

Some Elfsight widgets makes this easy to implement on your site which include:

  • Pricing Tables - Displays your websites different services or subscription tiers as well as their price.
  • PayPal Button - Creates a Paypal button for your site.
  • Countdown Timer - Displays discount sales or other limited time events.
  • Google Maps - Displays your location via google maps.
  • Testimonials Slider - a dynamic widget that displays what people have to say about you, your site, service or product.
  • Facebook Reviews - Displays your Facebook reviews to your site

How We Extended Artsville’s Website Functionality

We used Elfsights various widgets in the Artsville website, here are some that enhanced the look and function of the site.

Portfolio Widget

In Artsville’s Featured artist page we used the portfolio widget to highlight artists currently showing at Artsville Collective events.

In order to make visitors not feel overwhelmed we decided to make a page that shows them a sample of some of the artists we feature in our site.

It also comes with a comment section at the very bottom of the page where you can use your Facebook profile to leave a message.

Calendar Widget

With the calendar widget, viewing Artsvilles featured events is but a click away.

To make events easily trackable we used the calendar widget which then can be used to sort the events by type or venue as well as enable people to get tickets for events.


Elfsight mixes the right amount of form and function by making their widgets accessible to people who have no experience in the technical aspects of website design while giving users plenty of options for what their website can look like.

Don’t let Elfsight’s simplicity turn you away from using it! Rather its simplicity is a feature. Its simplicity makes it easy to learn and makes it so that it can fit anywhere in your site.

Take a look at Elfsight’s website if you are unsure what each widget does. It comes with a free demo which lets you create a sample of a particular widget directly from their site

Finally if you can’t find the widget you need, Elfsight gives you the option to request a widget for your specific needs!

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